Human stories in close-up

Understand individuals, places, and communities, now and in the past, close-up and from their own perspectives, to understand the present, as a foundation for a critical response, and to change the world for the better. Digital storytelling and immersive design are key capabilities. Stories are often explored through artefacts, buildings, and landscapes. Geodata and 3D models help with this.


The VR experience “Easter Rising: Voice of a Rebel” reconstructs the experience of being in a siege in 1916, from the recorded oral history of a soldier. This enriches our understanding of their actions and how experience and memory becomes history. It could, for example, lead to different practices when recording the experiences of soldiers in current conflicts.

Technologies and techniques

  • Digital ethnography and storytelling tools (photography, video, audio, animation).
  • Blogs and digital journals.
  • Social media.
  • Immersive storytelling (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality).


Patterns in large real-world datasets | Human stories in close-up | Creative practice and experimentation

We also run (and record) sessions that cover transferable capabilities.